We recently read an article in Eater Philly that called out some of their favorite local places to grab some hangover food. With the recent holidays, it almost feels as if we're suffering from a long-term hangover. But the clock striking a new year always leaves us inspired to make big, bold changes, and embrace a "cure." So, why not let some good hangover food help you out along the way?
Fried Fare:
Stop number one on our hangover food journey is fried foods. Something about the hot and crispy food gone through a deep fryer always seems to beckon us when we're nursing a wicked hangover. The age-old myth that the "fryer grease soaks up the alcohol in your stomach" is touted as gospel by many people. Whether or not it scientifically does that (spoiler alert: it doesn't) it still doesn't stop most people from hitting up their local drive thru to get some relief.
We're fried food experts:
As you may have noticed, we're pretty proud of the fact that we take our fried foods seriously. We recently participated in the Pitco Fryapalooza where we deep fried some delicious crab.
We know that a good fryer matters. All fryers are not created equal. A Pitco Fryer is always our first recommendation because it's reliably good. Many components go into the blueprint of making a good fryer, such as maintenance, filtration, sensors, etc. If you're wanting to see a Pitco fryer yourself, our One Source Live test kitchen is open.
Enjoying some local pizza is the perfect way to take the edge off that hangover. One of our favorite things about pizza is that leftovers can be enjoyed either hot or cold; you won't even have to leave your comfy blanket fort to grab breakfast the next day when you've got pizza in your fridge! We take our pizza seriously and know how important the perfect pie is for many occasions. We love and recognize that there are many local pizza places opening in the community and taking the industry by storm.
Take a local favorite for example, The Angelo Pizza. The restaurant has been packaed since they opened their doors in 2020. Their local pizza review on Barstool put Philly on the map for tourists craving a good slice of pie.
Speaking of Barstool, they've started The Barstool Fund to help small businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19. You can make a tax-deductible donation or, if you're a small business in need, can apply to be one of the featured businesses.
We also love great pizza ovens:
Baker's Pride is a company that excels at creating innovative ovens built to support the pizza industry. You can learn all about their IL Forno Classico Pizza Oven in the video below. Or schedule some time to see it in person in the One Source Live test kitchen.
Marsal Ovens are also a popular choice for the pizza restaurant operator. Well-known for their brick oven innovation and stainless deck oven, Marsal Ovens bring ambiance to the pizza-making experience. With a visible flame to cook the pizza, your guests will be wowed. You can learn more about Marsal by watching this video or scheduling a time to come and hang out with us in the test kitchen.
If you'd like to visit our favorite pizza places in the Philly area, we hope you'll check out these joints, yourself.
The Angelo Pizza: We spoke about Angelo's above, and if you are a local, you know that the amazing pizza lives up to all the recent hype. The Angelo Pizza uses Baker's Pride pizza ovens in their restaurant. To read more about how The Angelo Pizza (Pizza is really his last name, folks!) got on the map, during quarantine no less, you can read his story here.
The Goat's Beard: The Goat's Beard, who use Marsal pizza ovens, has a location in Manayunk, as well as one in Wayne. They focus on serving Detroit style pizza (if you haven't tried it, you need to get on it.) Detroit style pizza is unique, and is cooked in a square pan that was originally from an auto factory, and adapted into being used as a pizza pan.
It's time for coffee:
Even though coffee is the last on our list here, ironically it's probably what most people turn to first when they have a hangover. Nothing soothes a headache or a sour stomach like a hot and comforting cup of coffee. Caffeine has been proven to help headaches - most migraine-specific medication has caffeine in it! That's why coffee is a logical option as a hangover remedy.
Let's chat about coffee:
Coffee machines and espresso brewers have come a long way in recent years. A great and innovative machine will reduce labor costs, help with brand consistency, and open up a new world of possibilities and options. Concordia Beverage Systems are coffee experts and manufactures the fastest machine on the market, with the most options. To learn more about Concordia, check out our recent post. We are also thrilled to have a Concordia in our One Source Live test kitchen, and would love to whip up our staff-favorite cafe mocha and tell you all about it.
If you're a local and want to hit up some favorite coffee places, we highly recommend La Colombe. Headquartered in Philadelphia, La Colombe not only produces a variety of raosted coffee beans and drinks for every taste, they're also civically and environmentally minded. Founded to help make the world better through coffee, La Colombe (which means dove in French), advocates for equality, caring for communities, and leaving the world a better place than how we found it. They have four cafes in Philadelphia and one in Bryn Mawr.
No matter what type of food brings you comfort, we pride ourselves on being passionate about food, and our local restaurant community. If you'd like to set up a time to chat about what type of equipment would work best for your foodservice operation, click below to sign up for your consultation.